Learnpython books recommended by reddit

The most-mentioned books on r/learnpython.

Python Crash Course
88 users
Fluent Python
49 users
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
46 users
Learning Python
39 users
Python Cookbook
35 users
Clean Code
32 users
Effective Python
27 users
Python for Data Analysis
27 users
Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner
22 users
Violent Python
22 users
Python Programming
20 users
16 users
Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
16 users
Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python
14 users
Fluent Python
14 users
Learn Python the Hard Way
12 users
Web Scraping with Python
12 users
Python for Kids
12 users
Python 3 Object Oriented Programming
12 users
Python Essential Reference
11 users
Code Complete
11 users
Cracking the Coding Interview
11 users
Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow
11 users
Learn Python 3 the Hard Way
10 users
Programming Python
10 users
Gray Hat Python
10 users
Think Like a Programmer
10 users
Starting Out with Python
9 users
Design Patterns
9 users
Introduction to Algorithms
9 users
Foundations of Python Network Programming
9 users
Black Hat Python
9 users
Grokking Algorithms
9 users
Python Data Science Handbook
8 users
Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow
8 users
Introducing Python
8 users
Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt
7 users
Head First Design Patterns
7 users
Mastering Regular Expressions
7 users
Invent Your Own Computer Games With Python
7 users
Data Science from Scratch
7 users
Elements of Programming Interviews in Python
7 users
The Python 3 Standard Library by Example
6 users
Introduction to Computing Using Python
6 users
Learning Python
6 users
Think Python
6 users
Python 3 Object-oriented Programming
6 users
The Pragmatic Programmer
5 users
5 users
Python Pocket Reference
5 users
Introduction to Machine Learning with Python
5 users
Head First Python
5 users
Coding games in Python
5 users
Python for Finance
5 users
Beginning Python
5 users
C Programming Language
4 users
Core Python Applications Programming
4 users
Python for Unix and Linux System Administration
4 users
Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures Using Python
4 users
Deep Learning with Python
4 users
Python Testing with pytest
4 users
Python Tricks
4 users
The Algorithm Design Manual
4 users
A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python
4 users
Modern Python LiveLessons
3 users
3 users
Test Driven Development
3 users
3 users
Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby
3 users
Python in a Nutshell
3 users
Programming Collective Intelligence
3 users
Introduction to the Theory of Computation
3 users
Dive into Python 3
3 users
Pro Python
3 users
Python Algorithms
3 users
More Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner
3 users
High performance Python
3 users
Flask Web Development
3 users
Python Crash Course
3 users
Making Games with Python and Pygame
3 users
Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python
3 users
Treading on Python Volume 2
3 users
Effective Computation in Physics
3 users
Network Programmability and Automation
3 users
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python
3 users
Test-Driven Development with Python
3 users
Python Playground
3 users
Classic Computer Science Problems In Python
3 users
3 users
The Quick Python Book
3 users